Schools Out, Surviving Summer

More coffee please. To quote Alice Cooper , "schools out, for summer". Imagine not knowing school without a pandemic? My son just finished reception class. These are unprecedented times. Top marks to the parents, for navigating the farce. You earned the parent stripes, and some. School closures, remote learning, facemasks, isolation, rapid testing, and more school closures. We'll look back and laugh some day. Challenge number two; the summer break. We've just done a staycation in Cornwall, so five weeks left. That said, September seems a long way off. I warn you, this may be ranty. Summer Break, Six Weeks, Help! Who decided summer breaks were needed? Probably teachers! Fortunately I work from home, but it isn't without challenges. It presents many childcare issues. How do you juggle work and life demands, with kids? Netflix? Disney+? The problem is, everybody is busy. Even most nans and grandads still work. So this further limits childcare option...